Sunday Reflections: The New Year

Another year has come and gone. The end was full of joy and laughter, but yet again so much loss for myself once more. It is often so hard to stay positive and motivated when so many things are beyond your control. I guess this is why most people put such emphasis on the “New Year.”

The “New Year” represents rebirth and a fresh start – you are to forget the bad things that happened in the past, “cleanse” yourself,” and move forward. Sounds so simple, yet there is a reason so many people quit or “fail” with their resolutions within the first month or two of the new year. It is much harder, most many people tend to find a reason not to continue. We’re busy, it’s our job, it’s our time, it’s our money, etc. are all thrown out there when it comes to why we haven’t continued with our resolutions. However, we make these resolutions to make us feel better and give us a sense that we are doing something, and when we do fulfill them, even if just for a month or two, it does change us a bit.

Big surprise, I fell off the band wagon and haven’t posted in a few months, but what better way to start off a “New Year” than with a resolution that I more than likely will break? Now, I know I am a month late on this, but remember, I live in Hong Kong and Chinese New Year is in two weeks, so this works. I am very good at finding loopholes in these situations.

More blogging, a better, healthier me, new travels – these are all in my horizon (hopefully!) for this next year. Shall I succumb to pressure and fail? Only time will tell.

(Chinese New Year 2013)

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