Monday Memories: Paris in the Rain

I have been thinking a lot about France and Paris recently. I have no idea why I fell in love with the city so much, but there are two places that make my heart flutter – Chicago (which to me means home!) and Paris. *le sigh?*

For my Monday Memories – my take on Photo Friday/Throwback Thursday whatever you want to call it – I am taking it back to my first love and where I realized traveling and living abroad was what I had to do with me life: Paris

eiffel tower

For some reason, this nostalgia and idea of “Paris in the rain” has become quite popular. From Regina Spektor’s song, “Ne me quitte pas” where she states how she loves Paris in the rain, to Woody Allen’s film Midnight in Paris where the movie basically ends with someone saying, “Paris is most beautiful in the rain.” People are just fascinated by rain in Paris (and spring!). When I have told people I lived in Paris, a few have asked me what it is like in the rain…um, wet?

And while I generally hate rain (why did I move to Hong Kong?!) and share the sentiments of Rachel McAdam’s character in Midnight in Paris:

 Why does every city have to be in the rain? What’s wonderful about getting wet?

I will have to admit that Paris is pretty, darn spectacular in the rain. It just took me awhile to get to realize that.

Agree or hate Paris in the rain? Let me know in the comments below!


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